The specific scientific objectives (SSO) of INSIDE-HEART are:

SSO1 – Diagnosis and prognosis of SVAs through digital biomarkers: We aim at detecting and monitoring SVAs by means of digital biomarkers extracted with advanced signal processing algorithms and AI models from various available sensors (wristband, non-contact devices, implantable devices, patches). Moreover, digital biomarkers that can potentially be tested outside the clinical environment will be selected.

SSO2 – Risk assessment of life-threatening events in patients with SVAs: We aim at creating a set of new tools to assess the risk of cardiovascular adverse events and to stratify patients by means of both existing and new biomarkers to be integrated into a single digital signature. Moreover, digital biomarkers for each specific adverse event will be designed and their stratification performance will be assessed and compared against standard clinical methodologies. Finally, computerized simulations will be instrumental to investigate on the physiological aspects likely increasing the risk.


Objective: the creation of new digital biomarkers for detection and monitoring of SVAs.

Sub-objectives: i) reduction of the minimum detection time of SVAs from the actual 2-min windows to 1-min windows; ii) improvement of the detection rate for SVAs with effect size increased by 20%. Beneficiaries and their recruited DCs will investigate on advanced signal processing techniques and AI models to determine robust digital biomarkers dedicated to a wide spectrum of SVAs (AF, atrial flutter, atrial tachycardia), population (infant, young, elderly, patients with different comorbidities), and modalities of data collection (smartphones, smartwatches, cameras). The main challenges refer to the identification of robust digital biomarkers with respect to the specific data collection modality and patient characteristics.

Objective: the creation of AI tools based on digital biomarkers for assessment of adverse event risk in patients with SVAs.

Sub-objectives: i)improvement of hazard ratio and/or diagnostic odds ratio for adverse events of 10%; ii) quantification of the relationship between physiological aspects related to risk and the digital biomarker. Beneficiaries and their recruited DCs will investigate on digital biomarkers and AI models dedicated to the risk stratification of patients suffering of SVAs. The risk stratification will be carried out using in-silico, clinical and wearable data collected with short and long recording time windows. The main challenges refers to the identification of robust digital biomarkers with respect to known independent predictors.

Objectives To ensure that the project’s research, training and dissemination objectives are effectively achieved, with efficient use of available resources (staff, time and funds), in line with communication and decision-making procedures agreed among all network participants, and in full respect of the Horizon Europe financial and reporting rules

Objectives To recruit and train 10 DCs. Based on agreed common training standards and didactical approaches, a variety of training activities both at network and local level will be organized, closely related to the network partners’ research activities and in response to real training needs of the European academic and legal professional community. Training programs will contain a good mix of theoretical study and practical work and will be in line with individual career plans agreed between recruited researchers and their hosting institutions.


Objective: To share the project’s results beyond the partners involved in the network.

Sub-objectives: i) Dissemination: to share research results with peers; ii) Outreach activities: public engagement and communication to the general public; iii) Exploitation: to assess the market potential of the obtained results.

Objective: i) To provide continuous technical and organizational data management for observational and model output data according to the requirements of Horizon Europe programme guide (OS Practices); ii) to ensure compliance with the ethics requirements.